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Mindset Matters: Beyond Fixed Beliefs Part II

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Having a growth mindset can significantly impact our ability to learn and grow and how we feel about ourselves and our capabilities. Want to learn more about the basics of a growth mindset? Check out Part 1 about the Importance of a Growth Mindset. There’s more to know about this critical skill and how we can tap into it to help ourselves and those around us.

  • The Power of "Yet": In one of her studies with school children, psychologist Carol Dweck observed that praising students for their effort rather than their intelligence encouraged them to adopt a growth-oriented approach. When students encountered difficult problems, those praised for effort exhibited a more resilient attitude, believing they could improve with time and effort - a mindset Dweck termed "growth mindset." The idea of the “power of yet” encourages us to remember that we still have room to grow – we haven’t achieved our ultimate skill level or accomplishments – yet!

  • Brain Plasticity: Dweck's research intersected with studies in neuroscience showing that the brain is not static but is capable of change and growth throughout life - a concept known as neuroplasticity. This biological underpinning gives a solid foundation to the idea that skills and intelligence can be developed.

  • The Fixed Mindset Contrast: In contrast to a growth mindset, Dweck identified the "fixed mindset" — the belief that intelligence and abilities are static traits that cannot be changed. This mindset leads to avoiding challenges and a fear of failure, as individuals believe their failures reflect their inherent abilities or lack thereof.

Dweck's theory has been widely influential, finding applications in education, corporate settings, and personal development. Further research by Dweck and other psychologists has consistently shown that individuals with a growth mindset are more likely to persevere in the face of challenges, embrace learning opportunities, and ultimately achieve higher levels of success.


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